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The Shisa Schedule 2016 by WinterSoul

The Shisa Schedule 2016


Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to 2016! I have a feeling this year is going to be another busy year. Something I'm doing a little differently this year is to really watch my timing on things. As a first step, I'm setting the dates for the character ornament auctions and putting the schedule out there for all to see! This will hopefully help people have a better idea of the auctions they can jump in on as well. Of course, I'll still put a reminder out there closer to the dates, but this gives a little more heads up for those who like to plan for big auctions like these.

How does this calendar work?
They are not all going to be grey Shisa, you'll see coming up in a few days. The only things revealed about future Shisa will be the orb color, date, and whether the story is centered on a single or pair of Shisa. From month to month I'll update this piece so that past Shisa are shown in their full, brilliant colors!

Process Streaming
Many of these are still a mystery, even to me. Speaking of, more big news for 2016, I'd like to start doing streaming of many of my processes this year! If you'd like to see some of these guys cast, or how I come up with some of their stories, keep your eyes peeled for more info!

This upcoming year might be a challenge, but I'm ready to jump in to 2016. Thank you to all of you who have been cheering me on all of these years, and for all the new people for taking an interest in my illustration adventures!

Submission Information

Visual / Other


  • Link

    AAAAHHH STREAMING?? Yes please! Also an excellent idea to have a timetable and some pre-planning for all these lovely critters!

    • Link

      Hehe, I'm just as excited! Yeah, the pre-planning is already helping a ton on this end as well, it makes it so much easier to plan for things when there's a solid day projects need to be done :3