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Deep End (Liam) by WindTide

Deep End (Liam)


Within the moment the ground gives way, and soon the world is plunged into the deep submerge of chlorine and water. Dazed... lost... breathless... such words fill the mind as they sink into the recesses of the mind. The overwhelming sensations is enough to suffocate anyone, but fret not! Even in the deep end a guide appears, a master of the terrain that swims with grace. Such is the vow for the lifeguard to protect all that are swallowed in the blue abyss.

There would be enough words to describe how much this picture had captured my attention. Cuatro had first commissioned BGN this piece and at that moment of time, I found myself having a crush over the handsome pinniped. I never had seen a sea lion character up to that point, and it was the start of a slippery slope for me xD.

I feel incredibly lucky now to have Liam as part of my crew, and I will be sure to give Liam the love and attention he deserves~

In the event that dispute over Liam Domeno is made to my attention, I will be more than happy to provide a bill of sale that validates the new ownership that I have acquired.

Current Owner of Liam Domeno ©

WindTide WindTide

Previous owner of Liam Domeno


Art ©

bgn bgn

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Submission Information

Visual / Other