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Autumn Raptor - Leather Mask by Windfalcon

Autumn Raptor - Leather Mask


Someone who ordered a Summer Bird mask wanted an Autumn bird to go with it, but with a hooked beak. Thus, an autumn raptor! I know I've made a bunch of different 'versions' of raptors with autumn or fire colorations, but it's just so fun :0

Also, a fun story behind the photos of this mask - usually I take a neutral gray or black board outside (preferably on an overcast day) and photograph the mask. Indoor lighting, even with full spectrum bulbs (which I have), never give you a photo as good as you can get with outdoor lighting. Today it's raining, so I had to figure out a way to get a good photo of the mask without getting everything soaking wet!

I opened my door and placed the board and mask in the doorway, sheltered enough by the house so it didn't get rained on. This meant I was only getting light from one direction...and to avoid glare I had to turn the mask so it was being lit from 'underneath'. The result was the bottom photo having a slightly spooky look with the board lit under the mask. I think it's a pretty cool effect! :D

Hand-carved and shaped 7-oz. leather, painted with acrylics. The beak is also shaped leather, as are the attached leaves.

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    As usual, WOW!

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    There's a book series I re-read from time to time, where one of the characters, a rather vain man, gets seriously burned. He creates elaborate masks to cover his face, with feathers and beads and fantastical shapes. Next time I read that series, I'm going to be picturing your amazing masks. ^_^

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      Eek! Though it sounds like a rather fitting reason to wear masks!

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    Very beautiful :> you are a wonderful artist :3