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Blade Under Mask: Great Land by WhiteMantis

Blade Under Mask: Great Land


Great Land. Stage for the unexpected display of what would later be called life. With earnest devotion and burning will, the shellkind built their history. A society of beauty and mystery, of strong belief, unique traditions and intrinsic relationships.

Although varied in kin and appearance, they live as a single folk, sharing their land only with flora.

Vast shorelines, dense forests and extense chains of mountains along with the northern inhospitable lands frame the place they call home. Rivers nourish the earth on the way to oceans of cold and warm, raging and calm waters, offering what trees and stones can't offer and making possible the ascension of the shellkind.

Here's the world map of Great Land, the world of Blade Under Mask. I didn't list all the places names, just the most proeminent ones. I might add more places in the future. :3

Art & the concept of Blade Under Mask belong to me.

  • As much as I take inspiration from and base my work on real Japanese culture and geisha world, this story is not meant to be 100% accurate. Some cultural aspects are modified or removed to the fit the story, characters and the world better. Do NOT take this as a reliable source of information, as it is made with entertainment purposes only. If you need to research or want to learn more about Japanese culture or geisha world, please look for real informative sources, such as books. If you have any question, feel free to ask me, I'll answer if I can.

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  • Link

    Okay, I couldn't not favorite this. I tend to love maps, and this one is just great!

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      Thank you so much ^^ maps are amazing, I love creating and drawing them!

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        As do I. However, naming the places on said maps... I'm not so good at.

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    Cool! You gotta map! =3 I should try drawing traditionals of my map I got. B3