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WereWolf Fitness - For when you need a BIG change by Westly (critique requested)

WereWolf Fitness - For when you need a BIG change (critique requested)


So, I recently joined the Gym.

I've gone a few times, and I'm pretty excited about the results so far, my muscles feel stronger, and I'm looking forward to how this is going to progress.

But! I wanted some actual workout clothes. I wanted something I could wear, and only wear to work out in.

So, I decided I was going to base something on my werewolf character, Ghost.

Ghost is inspiring to me, because she's the subject of my upcoming Novel, as well as sort of a personal story. I'm hoping that I can follow in her footsteps, and transform SO many different things in my life, like a werewolf!

Anyway, this picture took me two days to complete, I actually used REFERENCES, (WHAT IN THE WORLD) and I think it only barely resembles my art, so, I'm pretty happy and impressed with it.

In time, this is going to go on a cafepress shirt, and I will work out till my arms and legs fall off.

Go me!

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Visual / Digital


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    I approve of everything that I'm reading here.

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      Including the part about my arms and legs falling off?

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    A gym membership is just a school gym class you pay to skip.

    Kidding, kidding.