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Cosplay Night by Wanderer

Cosplay Night


Max: "...No"

Kiusa: "Pleaseeeee?"

Max: "No"

Kiusa: "Pretty please~~?"

Max: "NO"

Kiusa: "Aww, but it'll be fun!"

Max: "Give me one good reason why I should go along with this"

Kiusa "...Heehee, let me tell you what I'll be wearing then."

She moved closer to him and whispered tentatively into his ears...

And his eyes widened almost as much as he was blushing at what he heard.

Twenty Minutes later: Night, in Kiusa's Condo Room----------

Max sighed. Here he stood now, wearing a white lab coat over a formal dress shirt, tie, and pants combo. He had no problems wearing this kind of stuff - it's similar to what he usually's what would entail that worries him.

Max: "Ok...I'm wearing the thing...I guess..."

Kiusa "Ooook~ I'm ready too~"

The bathroom door opened - and out walked his lady, dressed in a quite...scandalous white mini dress, with white stockings complemented by little white slippers. This vision made even more lovely by her flowered veil, and long white satin arm warmers - of which were carrying a bouquet of orchids and roses.

She swayed back and forth in place.

Kiusa: "Hehe...How do I look~?"

Max: "" He hastily cleared his throat, "you look fine." He crossed his arms to feign indifference, his reddened face betraying him.

She only giggled at this sight, appreciating how she was making him feel. Then taking on an innocent, distressed expression as she said-

Kiusa: "Oh Dr. Max, please help me~ I've been feeling so naughty, how do I cure this?~"

Max: "......Please tell me you're kidding."

This prompted her to hand the bouquet over for her tail to clench and hold while she approached Max, draping her arms over his shoulders.

Kiusa: "Aww come on, hun, play along! Role playing's no fun if you don't get into ittttt~~"

He sighed once more.

Max: "Dammit, why do we even have to do this?"

Kiusa: "Whaaaat? It's the rugged doctor and the innocent maiden bride! This is the stuff guys dream of!"

Max: "Yeah, well, so far it's been a nightmare"

Kiusa moved her hands downwards to hug his hips, pushing her bodice against his to intensify the heat.

Kiusa: "Daww...don't be like that, Maxie~, don't you like how I look in this dress...?"

Max's eyes wandered south, inadvertedly leading him to gaze upon her bos----

He broke off from the hug and turned around immediately, crossing his arms again - blush still betraying his demeanor.

Kiusa's smile only widened with devious glee, as she closed the distance between them once more, caressing him from behind. She nuzzled her head against his, while using right hand to tend to his other cheek. All the while, using her tail to coil around his legs, gently stroking it.

She knew he loved this.

Kiusa: "Maxie...I know you're probably nervous cuz' its our first time...but try to relax a little~ it's my first time too, you know~"

Max: "......"

She closed her eyes and whispered to him -

Kiusa: "Play along with me just for tonight, sweetie...and I'll..."

The things he heard...this was literally the hardest time he's had trying to hold back a smirk.

Max: "......Fine."

She smiled lightly and kissed him on the cheek, then releasing him from her hold - allowing him to turn around to face her.

Max: "Ahem...I-I s-suggest a..." he swallowed, "...full physical examination i-immediately."

Kiusa: "Oooh yes, doctor! But shouldn't you sterilize me first with your famous herbal Party Tea?"

He winced his eyes in confusion.

Max: "Party what?"

Kiusa then lightly gestured over to the cupboard near the bed - there were two glasses of what looked like Ginger tea on a silver platter - there was no mistaking Max's experienced eyes.

Max: "...You actually made tea?"

Kiusa nodded

Kiusa: "Mhm! I made it specially just for this occasion~"

Max walked over and picked up one glass - putting his nose near the rim to sniff it.

Max: "Certainly smells fine...great even - color me impressed."

Kiusa followed suit and picked up the other glass, "Yep! I followed the instructions and everything!"

Max: "Why's it called a Party Tea though?"

Kiusa: "Cuz' its a party, silly! A private one just for you and me~"

Max was still wary...but considering she went through the trouble of making this for him (with real ginger from what he could smell) - it'd be ungentlemanly to refuse, especially considering their relationship.

Max: "Thanks, Kiu"

She tapped her glass against his, prompting the both of them to drink their tea in unison.

The next morning---------------------------------------------------------------

Max's eyes opened, albeit as slowly as possible - getting up wasn't exactly a fast task either. When he rose, he held his head.

Max: "Eugh....what the hell happened...why do i feel like-"


He then looked over to see Kiusa - lying in bed next to him, looking at him with the biggest smile on her face.

Kiusa: "Heehee, morning, Tiger"


Max: "Kiu......why are you in bed with me?"

Kiusa: "You mean you don't remember?~ You were an animal last night~" She giggled slightly

Max: "Y-you mean we-"

Kiusa: "Hehehe, yes...yes we did~"

Then bits started coming back to him, they were doing a weird cosplay night thing, then she swayed him, and then they drank the...

Max: "Kiu...what did you put in that tea?"

Kiusa: "Oh just some ginger, herbs...and the horny goat weed."

Max: "...what"

Kiusa: "Ginger, herbs, and hor-"


Kiusa got up, covering herself partially with the blanket.

Kiusa: "Wellllll I knew you were gonna be a bit tense and shy for our first time - so I thought some herbal medicine would help ya loosen up a bit is all!"


Kiusa: "Aww honey, don't freak out so much - it was still YOU last night, hehee, albeit more...charged."

Max covered his face with his hands.

Max: "Okay......tell me what...I did...last night"

Kiusa giggled again.

Kiusa: "Why tell you when I can SHOW you?"

She then whipped out a stack of pictures from under the covers.

Max: "Oh for go-"

He snatched the pictures from her and started looking through them.


Picture after picture, he witnessed just how much of a "tiger" he was last night.

Max: "Am...Am I using the tie to-"

Kiusa: "Yeeeeeep"

It was allllll flooding back to him now - the memories.

He did indeed have a night of passion with unchained he was...and how much he loved her with all his heart.

Max's expression lightened at that rememberance...

Kiusa snuggled next to him in comfort.

Kiusa: "Maxie~ You whispered three special words to me at the end f last night...that's how I knew it was you in control..."

Max: "......"

Kiusa: "...I love you, Maxie~"

Max let out a huge sigh and embraced her in return.

Max: "...I love you too, Kiu"

Her face beamed with excitement, but before she could respond -

Max: "But next time, no more Party Teas - got it? If we're doing...this...again, I'm not gonna need any Goat grass to rock your damn world."

Kiusa giggled with glee.

Kiusa: "Ok~ I promise......Dr. Max"

Max: "Shuddup"

Lovely arts was done by Naomasdarkside

I hope you guys enjoyed this story!

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