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I am Volanti Vespertine. 24. Writer. FTM; pre-T, pre-op, pre-therapy. Currently residing in Philadelphia, PA. New(ish) to the furry fandom. Avid reader and writer. I'm a big supporter of writers and try to buy physical copies of their works and donate when I can. Attended Anthrocon 2014 & 2015.


Ander by Contrast - Digital copy on SF
Scars: An Ironclaw Novel by MacKinnon & Halvorsen - Physical copy (Purchased @ AC 2015)

A fantasy novel featuring anthropomorphic characters.
A review of Tales of Veloria: The Wolf and the Huntress by Joshiah

Looking for:
Someone to draw my fursona - con badge for AC 2016 and digital avatar for websites.

You CAN commission me for writing and editing services. Nothing is off-limits. Commissions are OPEN.

Other stuff:
Practicing runic divination and tarot card reading.
Drowning in a master's thesis paper.
Searching for a technical writing job.


Joined in Mind and Body by KitFox - Physical Copy (Borrowed from a friend.)
Tales of Veloria: The Wolf and the Huntress by Joshiah - Physical Copy (Purchased @ AC 2015)

About Me

I'm a devout Wiccan and Ceremonial Urban Witch with a Nordic twist. In laymen's terms, I am a Wiccan that practices witchcraft and worships the Nordic pantheon in an urban environment. I'm also an aspiring Technical Writer and grad student drowning in a thesis paper. I keep a Tumblr blog about my urban witchery and nerdy interests that I try to update frequently. Also, my shamanic power animal is a bat, which is the inspiration behind my fursona. I am also a pre-therapy, pre-T, pre-op transman.

How I was introduced to the fandom

I've always been a writer and avid reader of science fiction and fantasy but I wasn't introduced to the furry fandom until late in my high school years by a close friend of mine who "came out" to me as a furry. At the time, he was simultaneously coming out as a therian to me so I thought that being furry meant that a person felt that they were a certain creature trapped in a human body. Being the open-minded person that I am, I obviously wanted to learn more about my friend's "culture" so I took to the Internet. After sifting through lots of erotica and serious, meaningful articles about the fandom, my initial perception of the furry fandom was not repulsion but rather total confusion

To be honest, I didn't fully understand what the hell the furry fandom was until July, where he and I attended our first Anthrocon. It was over the course of this unforgettable weekend that I learned what the furry fandom is and, more importantly, what it is not. Thanks to the Anthropomorphic Research Project, I was finally able to make the connection and understand the difference between being a furry and a therian, which helped me to greater understand my friend and his... quirkiness.

Though not a "card-carrying" member of the furry fandom at the time of my attendance at Anthrocon, I immediately felt at home once I entered the halls of the convention center. I remember feeling caressed by the positive energy and feeling my spirits lifted at the hundreds of smiling faces roaming the streets of downtown Pittsburgh. For me, Anthrocon 2014 was particularly memorable because my employer had just terminated me the day before my friend and I were set to head out from Philadelphia. Totally devastated by the unexpected blow, it was with a heavy heart that I took my first real glimpse at the true nature of the fandom and it was with lifted spirits that I left, eager to return again next year.

In the meantime, I figured it was time to finally stop lurking and create a presence for myself in this community that has so graciously and selflessly accepted me.


Fur Affinity
Volanti Vespertine

Latest Journal

PCD (Post Con Depression)

Post con depression and a renewed motivation for creative writing.

AC 2015 has come and gone and my PCD is crazy. I've spent the last few days scrolling through tags on various social media sites, soaking up all of the memories of the convention.

I didn't take any photos or videos. I spend way too much absorbing everything with my own eyes and prefer to not experience things through a lens. The downside to that is that I don't have hordes of photos and videos to go through to make myself feel better after the con is over. Next year I really should take a ton of photos and videos.

Most of my spending money went toward books this year - which I think is money well-spent. I focused mostly on getting novel-length books that did not focus on erotica/smut. I prefer sci-fi/fantasy anthro stories without all of the porn. I'm no prude, but I'd rather have a well developed plot as opposed to several chapters of sex scenes.

Which leads me to my next topic: my own novel.

I've stopped and started countless of fantasy novels in my life and have yet to finish one. After seeing so many successful books published and being sold at the convention, I've got a renewed sense of passion to work on my novel and finally bring it to life. I think being around so much creativity was just the spark that I needed to restore motivation.

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