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The Family That Slays Together by Viergacht

The Family That Slays Together


I wanted to get this posted for Draw A Werewolf Day, but we got hit with a rolling blackout, and when the power came back on, the internet was messed up (everyone's, not just ours, the phones were down, too) and then when I got up this morning the power was out again. sigh So, anyways, a little late.

Since this is Feb. a lot of people are doing Happy Horny Werewolf Day themed pics. I am, too, sort of - happy horniness often leads to offspring, and eventually to grandkids. So here's opa werewolf giving mom and dad a much needed night off by taking the little hellions out for some fast food. Adorable. (did I miss my grandaddy while I was painting this? Yes, I did)

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    The little one on the left is my favorite. That hair and face are too cute <3

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    I can't get enough of this picture. That fatherly handpaw on the kid's shoulder, and I like how the granddaughter werewolf is in the center. You know she's the little drama queen of the family. And that little baby werewolf off to the right is just the best. You know he's the reason for most of their adventures but he's just so cute no one can hate him. Also grandpa is just badass-looking. I just love the interaction here. Great idea and great execution! Old werewolf men and young werewolf kids isn't something you see done very often, much less them interacting. New favorite werewolf piece!

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    Prey for the kids ...

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    that saying. So pregnant of a pause and a fine portrait of 'The Manson Family'.