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Val'Turri Processor by victor-933

Val'Turri Processor


Nightmares rip apart the sleep of anyone who has seen what the Val'Turri did during the Extinction War. These terrifying aliens traveled the stars in a single massive fleet, stripping entire planets of every conceivable resource. When biological matter was located, it was collected and brought to these nightmarish craft. During an unimaginably brutal and horrifying process, organic matter was violently ripped apart and broken down into base protein chains. Plants, animals, Hadeans, it didn't matter; nothing was safe.

The Val'Turri then used this base protein slurry to grow and maintain their ships' biological components: artificial brains served as their command centers, and specially-grown organs and muscles fulfilled duties normally reserved for servomotors or pumps. The Val'Turri themselves were reclusive, never leaving their ships. Veterans of boarding actions described them as "half rotting corpse, half machine".

Seven entire worlds were stripped bare and nearly all their inhabitants -- billions upon billions of Hadean citizens -- were abducted during the course of the War, with most of then vanishing into these demonic ships never to return. Precisely how these Processors accomplished their grisly task is still highly classified, but it's no secret that nearly every soldier who boarded them during the War went insane, committed suicide, or both.

Nobody knows where the Val'Turri are now. Over two-thirds of their fleet was destroyed over the latter half of the Extinction War and the last few survivors escaped using some unknown FTL drive, fleeing the Second Battle of Eden III, twenty years ago. Even today, nobody even knows their name -- Val'Turri is the name given to them by the Hadeans, meaning "Iron Horror".

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