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Tanner's Last Stand by Vant-Talon

Tanner's Last Stand


Tanner was a young cat growing up in the city, As he became of age, he went and joined the army in hopes of coming back home a war hero. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the most elite soldiers. Tanner was soon contacted by a secret organization known as DrakeHunters(title still pending), The feline warrior was train in the arts of magic in order to combat their enemy,the Dragons. He was told that dragons are bloodthirsty monsters, wanting to uptake the land and make the dragons the new rules of the land. It was there job to stop them. Tanner used his newly learn earth based magic and his trusty pistols to combat the dragons. he fought many battles and always came victorious. but soon he realized that the dragons may not be their enemy at all. The dragons seemed like normal people with families and friends just like them. They never were attacked by the dragons ethier, they always attacked first. There was never a recorded dragon attack, instead their true plane was to just wipe dragons off the planet in fear of what they "might" do. That was it, he put his foot down and refused to take part in this cruel act any longer, and was then branded a trador. Tanner's sentience was exaction, he was thrown into a cell to await his death. But little he realized he was about to met his savior. Kira was caught and tossed into the cell next to him, where together they busted out of the cell and made there escape.

Ok i know this is a really shitty explanation for this background story but i made it up on the spot and i will most likely rewrite this later. but this is just the basics of tanner's background story and the picture is him making his escape vwv;

I hope to draw more of tanner soon!

Art/Tanner (c) Vant-Talon

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