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Dreaming Maybes by Uroboros

Dreaming Maybes


More migrated old art, made while listening to "Katamari Stars" from the Katamari Damacy soundtrack. One of a few tunes that just feel like Ari's theme, haha.

The silliest of things can sometimes be the best. Daydreaming the good things that could be, no matter how unlikely. For all the dark clouds we tend to focus on, sometimes it's just nice to be wishful, and to bask in the silly, unlikely things we would love to reach out for. It's nice to imagine reaching out to the sky and being able to pluck what you desire from it~

This was brought about by a crush I developed for a virtual stranger back then, who as per usual happened to live an ocean away. All because of a little time spent together. Silly eh? This was my little outlet for it, but I ended up uploading and showing it to her, and it got a smile. It turns out she was in the middle of drawing a similar "laying in the grass, daydreaming" picture too. It led to an internet relationship that unfortunately burned out quite quickly, because you know how life and dumb things tend to get in the way, right?

Still, it was a fun (if bumpy) adventure. Hearts are strange little things because they rarely do what you tell them to. They're so unreasonable at times! But that isn't so bad, I guess. ~<3

Might as well enjoy the ride, dreaming on our little 'maybes'.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital