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Its Happy Dayze comic by Uluri

Its Happy Dayze comic


Happy n Uluri © uluri

Happy is a really interesting Ego. He's one of them that named himself. He also communicates in sound more than words, so it was a lot harder to figure out a lot of things. Especially that he was around and existed at all. Had to sit and think, "Am I just getting songs stuck in my head? or what?" Until I had three weeks of "It's Happy. Happy des Happy des. Happy Dayze." as I deny to myself the whole three weeks "No way. Nu-uh. Can't be'

The one who says "Weeee" during car rides out of nowhere is Happy. I always wondered why Randomly out of nowhere I'd say "Weeeeee" while moving? It's the weirdest thing. 

So I gave him The Test I gave the others to try to determine if it was actual. By that I mean I pull up this Giant Fav Pokemon Sheet and ask "Do you like any of these?" And if I (me specifically) either get nothing or have to imagine myself what that OC would like, it's a No. Buuuut, What I was getting was "Sounds of pokemon Cries" as answers immediately. Unlike the others who would "This one" "Weavile" or Have picked the pokemon before i even looked at the list. It was different so it caught me even more off guard. I even did the "Are you sure you like this one" test and tried changing the Faved pokemon to see if they'd get upset. (in All cases, the Egos would get upset about me changing their answer)

And now that I learned Happy was one, I started to realize that he wasn't just "playing" music, but using them as sentences. It's like I have a little spirit box. XD He was taking snippets and making sentences. He's picked up some Tiktok Musics as well and started referring to Me (ulu) as "Smartest little baby in the room" snippet of music. He likes to use Smash mouth snippets a lot, too.

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