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Dream Journal: Not a Bear by Uluri

Dream Journal: Not a Bear

The following is a Dream as part of my dream journals. This dream came in the form of questioning my environment, so that is how I will be writing it. Last paragraph is suggestive in a way. <u<

It's cold outside with snow 4 inches on the ground and still falling. I am a small medium blue puppy with short floppy ears. My legs are pretty short, so it's a little daunting moving in the snow since it is up to my belly. Wow I'm small. Looking around, I guess I'm not the only puppy. I have some other puppy and momma dog family with me so I run over to them and snuggle up into the warmth of them all. Everyone else is brown. Man, I'm an ugly puppy, and such a dumb color. Why is my fur shorter than everyone else's? Why are we in the snow instead of in some kind of home? Momma I'm leaving into the woods to find a roof.

I'm in the forest now and all I see is a scraggly fox. It's walking forward. OH oh wait it stopped. now Baaaackward. OH it's me! I'm in third person now, and a fox. I think I'm hungry so I'll find some food while looking for a home. Oh dear frikken hell I hear noises. I'm going to hide. I'm hiding under this boxy thing with wood. There are really weird weasel woolybear caterpillars under here. What are these? when I touch them they curl up into a ball. Oh what's that walking around out there getting closer? It looks like some kind of dog with a reaaaaly long muzzle. Like what is it doing? It's eating other of these guys like an ant eater? I'm going to... put the woolyweasels IN FRONT of me so that it eats them and not me. Yeah. Yeah. that's good. Look at them squirm so cute. Okay I'm going to look up to see where this guy is and- UAEH FUCKING HELL!

That's NOT the dog! That's not the dog! It's black and see through and in pieces and ITS A BEAR! BEAR!!! It's a bear! I know it! I'm scared.

The entire environment is black momentarily. The next thing that I saw was a complete change of scenery. I'm indoors. It's a small room with a tiny whiteboard, short colorful table and a half put together puzzle. The walls a a very light beige and the floor is a short fluff carpet that is easy to clean. I'm still the fox. I'm holding a Vaporeon. It's made of that soft foam that keeps its shape after you squish it a bunch and is smooth. It's... a girl? Why is everything anatomically correct all of a sudden? Ah... I'm a boy it looks. Why is this so dirty all of a sudden? I just got the piss scared out of me so why? Ah... No one's around.

Dream Journal: Not a Bear


I am not sure at all how my brain got to each instance. At least I found a home in the end? I really have no clue what to say.
Vaporeon's even my least fav eeveelution. That was definitally not a bear. It didn't even look like a bear. AND why did I start
as a retarded blue puppy? Brain? How could you go from a Jump Scare to something lewd THAT FAST!?

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