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Personal - Spirit the Angel Dragon Reference Sheet by TwilightSaint

Personal - Spirit the Angel Dragon Reference Sheet


Wallah, it's about time I got around to doing this.

Had a few real bad days this past week, so no commission work today. Just personal work.


*The TL;DR:
-She's cute
-She's from space
-She crash-landed on Earth
-She's fluffy

Meet, Spirit, the Space Angel Dragon! This gal has been buzzing around in my head for several weeks now, and I've been inspired after Anthrocon to try and get reference sheets done of a bunch of my characters. I have quite a few I haven't done art of for over a year now. D:

So a little bit about Spirit...

Lived on a planet in a distant corner of the cosmos - the Bubble Nebula, to be exact. Fled her tiny home planet from the expanding bubble of hot gas and fire from a maturing star in the heart of the nebula. She fled last-minute, leaving her home and rest of her kind behind. Swept off course by a galactic wind, she drifted aimlessly through the cosmic medium until she detected a jumble of radio and light signals coming from a band in a large spiral galaxy.

Spirit headed in that direction, her large ears acting similarly to antenna, and found herself in orbit of a small blue-green planet. She found companionship with the Black Knight, another large, stellar beast that drifted above the planet for millennia, until finally entering the planet's atmosphere in a ball of white light, her fur having properties to protect her from the intense friction of the upper edges of the atmosphere. She aimed toward a curving coastline where she could see flickers of light, knowing that where there's activity, there must be civilization.

Crash-landing in a warm inland sea, she quickly found out that the flickers of light were from the exchange of missiles, and she found herself in the middle of a regional conflict. Spirit fled at near-mach speed to the hills, where she hid in a cave, hoping she would be able to leave during a stand-still between the fire. She hid in seclusion for an unknown amount of time until half a dozen tall, two-legged aliens entered her cave, holding long, black metal objects toward her. Shaking in fear, she could glean that they were speaking a language called Arabic, and they wanted her to follow them, having learned about the language and others from listening to the radio signals emitted from the planet. Fearing for her life, she thought it best to follow them. They led her out under the cover of nightfall through the desert to a meager encampment, where she was presented as a trespasser to a tall, slender dragon of golden scales and a protruding chin.

Oh Muzafr, you always have a way of capturing trespassers in your territory.

And that's Spirit's backstory. Nah, she doesn't live with Muzafr. Muzafr questions her as she does all other 'trespassers' and sends Spirit away with some of her militants to find a safe place for her to go.

Being an extraterrestrial, Spirit exhibits properties that most species on earth don't have - such as fur that retards intense heat, the ability to detect x-rays, see in the entire spectrum of light, run and fly at top speed, and more.

Ah yeah, and her make-up is similar to a neutron star. If she drifts to close to strong x-rays, dark energy, or dark matter, she can absorb it and transform into 'Dark Energy form,' where she becomes extremely dense, her physical properties change, (at least those properties that are visible to our eyes,) and can willingly, (or sometimes unwillingly,) beam x-rays from her mouth.

Aaand, that's all for now. :B

If anyone wants to, yes, you may draw her. ^^ But if you do so or would like to do so, please let me know as I'd love to see it! (Clean works only, min fadlak.)

If you read all this, put 'Nebula' in your comment.

Thanks for looking!
Art & Character (c) me - Angel Dragons from Ino

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    -She's cute SHE IS! <333 SHE LOOKS SO CUTE AND ORIGINAL. <3 Can I hug her? o3o

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    it seems the species are growing larger x3

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        people said that its a bad thing cause its making telephone less special. and such o3o

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          I'm not savvy on what 'people' are saying on the matter. I just learned they were an open species and wanted to make one for myself for fun. (And if people are saying that, they do realize that Telephone herself is taking commissions of other Angel Dragon fursuits, I hope, haha. So if they think it's such an issue, they should just ask her directly anyway.)

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            yuhp yuhp c: