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Comish - The Track Ahead by TwilightSaint

Comish - The Track Ahead


Epic Scene commission for Sekh765 on FA featuring Seljhet, the motmot, ready to tear up the desert racetrack!

Excuse me while I go rest my art and hand eat some pizza, haha. That BACKGROUND. I totally didn't expect to finish this today, but I got in the groove and couldn't stop. Definitely one of my most detailed and background-heavy pieces in...a very long while, phew. Was definitely a challenge, but I learned a lot! I particularly love the first mountain range, and then the sky with the birds and sun and planets. It took me a few tries to figure out the layering of the mountains, and then once I got that, I remembered I had to detail them, and I was like, 'Oh, my God, here we go.' Hehe.

I also got to design their flight suit! I really had to keep myself from making it nearly exactly like my Navy flight suit, which I had done on the thumbnail sketch. XD So I opted with a slate-grey and glowing racing stripes to really play on the sci-fi look. :)

I also really loved adding the little details like the nomads and other racing ships, and the kind of ghostly city in the background. Is that where the race ends? Is it simply the remains of another sun-charred city on this bleak planet? Seljhet will find out! And earn the gold medal, in the meantime.

Thanks a lot, Sekh! I really hope you like it!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    oh good god @w@ I... have no words. this is absolutely just... ;w;

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    (whistles) Gorgeous scenery...that surely is a background to be proud of, if ever I saw one! ^w^

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    As an avid lover of racing games, this picture makes me want to go play some more XD