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Looks like we got ourselves a badass over here by tsunderdog

Looks like we got ourselves a badass over here


It's been a long time since I've done any traditional art. I'm unhappy with the outcome, but this is why we practice.... and next time, I'll do more planning beforehand.

Doin' some concepts for Kaye as a magical girl, which also doubles as fun antihero writing.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    Why are you unhappy with the outcome? It looks gorgeous!


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      Part of it is computer editing - levels, a few basic filters, color levels, etc that I feel enhance the painting itself that I could not do with paint.

      I feel as if the piece lacks something - anatomy/pose is off, background is not thought out and distracts from the main focus. I hate the arms, they feel unnatural.

      It's lots of little bits and pieces that you pick out after staring at something for hours and only after you see the piece as a whole.

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        Hm, I can see your point with the arms; the pose is slightly stiff. Even so, though, I still think the piece is awesome; your ability with watercolours completely annihilates mine.

        By the way, let me know when you're available for that commission, and I'll get you set up with the money. :)


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    It was a lot of fun watching this piece progress when I was there visiting :) I know there are elements of it that you're not satisfied with... The curse of being our own worst critic :) But for what it's worth, I think it came out really nicely!

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    She looks great :) There's a real feel of... texture to her clothing.