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Bori Story by Trevor-Fox

Bori Story


Comic commission for Metrohunter!

It was time to look through the attic and clean up any old items, but Tuli wasn't expecting to find a toybox up there. It didn't look familiar, and he knew that he didn't own one. Best to take a look inside...

It looks like that was a mistake! There was a bit more dust than expected, and something seemed to grab and pull him. The last thing he remembered was falling before blacking out.

Coming to, he found himself in the arms of a living plush! A bori, like himself, but this one seeming more feminine from it's manner of speech and eyelashes. Panicking, Tuli tried to free himself, but was quickly silenced and held still by the big plush. It began to untangle him while reassuring Tuli that he was her child and would be okay. While spoken in a comforting manner and voice, there was an unease that went through Tuli, and he looked up, seeing an opening out of the odd place he seemed to be in. As the plush untangled him, she held him up closer and closer to the exit. He could almost reach it...and there! He grabbed the ledge! He was almost free! Something felt off. It was like a part of him was being pulled backwards as he pulled himself up. Suddenly, he was lurched forward against the wall, a voice shouting out from inside of him as his arms and legs stopped working! He couldn't hold on! His hands wouldn't grip, his legs wouldn't move! He panted and panicked, before falling!

He was caught by the plush again, being hugged against her soft body as she tried to comfort him again. She mentioned a pull-string in his back, pulling on something again. He shouted out to tell her to stop, worried about his unmoving arms, but his shouts were cut off as the voice inside his chest overpowered his normal one, cutting it off and changing him again. His eyes became hard and unmoving. He could still see, but he was no longer able to blink. Several rapid pulls came after that, each one cutting off his protests as his body changed with each pull and forthcoming dialogue. Eventually, he couldn't move at all. He couldn't even speak normally. He was completely helpless at the whims of the plush that held him. 

She petted the new toy, comforting and speaking softly to it as she shut the lid to the toy chest, happy to have her child back with her ~

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