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April Hybrid: Shire Horse/Argentine Red Tegu by ToxicCreed

April Hybrid: Shire Horse/Argentine Red Tegu


I was going to spend a bit more time on this but my shoulder decided to say NOPE to that. I wanted to do some scales along the back, patterns, etc. on it but I just couldn't get that done before my body practically shat itself on me. Bleh my body hates me right now for all these drawings and stuff. Anyway... as I said this one was really meant to be a special piece because today is the Birthday of a very dear friend who is no longer with me. I never knew she had passed away until... 2012 when I was going to her page to wish her a Happy Birthday. It hit me hard, because we had talked and we had brain nerded over things like Soul Caliber, etc. and then suddenly she was gone and I never knew until well yeah. Thankfully I've had my mind put at peace, I know how she passed on and I know that she's still drawing wherever she is but it does hurt.

So this is a very special piece for my friend EvilYardGnome, even though she's gone now you can still see her wonderful artwork. She had some amazing talent and I am sad that she is gone but... I have my happy memories of her and her wonderful personality.

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