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Where Red Lilies Bloom by TouchedVenus

Where Red Lilies Bloom


And here we have the beautiful drow Lae'estril and her deep dragon Nemo! This is my half of an art trade I did with megoomba on deviantART. I had so much fun drawing her gorgeous characters, and I hope she doesn't mind the large amount of experimenting I did. XD I like to think it paid off. :D I hand painted all the texturing myself. My poor hand cramps. ;3; BUT a little more on these two, they are from the Dungeons and Dragons universe and if I remember correctly, Lae'estril is a priestess of the chaotic good drow goddess Eilistraee.

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    UGHHH this is so NICE! I'm so happy I saw this on the front page, it's really gorgeous. The lights and darks and the colors and the pink/red that contrasts so nicely, color-wise it's just altogether very pretty. Gosh I respect people with more patience for full backgrounds; I need to get better with that myself.

    Also hand-painting the textures seems to have gone rather well, I'm sorry about your hand cramps though. xD Really great attention to detail, the dragon's scales and the woman's hair and the fabric floating in the water?? This is so full of nice touches like that.

    Sorry that was a little long-winded, this picture just really caught my eye and I felt like I should say something @-@ Keep up the good work and keep experimenting like this whenever your hand cramps subside!

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      Aww, thank you so much! Your comment made my day~ <3

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    Absolutely beautiful, wishing my own persona/avatar were there.

    Brings me back to my GMing days.