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I made this by Tohopka

I made this


So, I've had this rant for awhile about kid furs.. Basically anyone under 18. People say adults cause more problems, but I kinda disagree? Don't get me wrong, kids are cool and i know not every one is like this, it's mainly the one's new to the fandom and don't know much better.

To often youngsters take art, copy it, use if for icons and rp, trace claim etc. Same with fursuits or whatever have you. Or take amazing furry art and put those shitty "furry family love" meme's on them. WHY WHY?!

Apart of all that, there's even more I could get into. Like how they've just.. wrecked havoc in places like the Dutch angel dragon community (something I've been dedicated to since the start). Just.. making wars, I don't think we'll ever recover with how ANY chibi dragon type gets called a Dutch.

I digress. There's so much problems they can cause. And I'm not trying to hate on all I know i's not all. :3:
I just wish more could be done?

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    "Kids are cool" ... No. Kids are the worst, and this is one of many reasons. Eventually they get better, but until then, they're awful.

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      I agree, I may be a child at heart but scare me D:

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    You made it really good and I can only agree with you arguments ^^

    And I need to say with your little comic strip you show the truths

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      yeah I agree too <:3