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Another battlefield taxi? by Thos (critique requested)

Another battlefield taxi? (critique requested)


I'm about to head to a Further Convention (no artist table, sadly), so I figured I'd get some down time in first by painting. I thought it'd be awesome to match the desaturated critters with a red-orange sky like Angus McBride used to do.

A hullathoin is basically an undead APV. It's some sort of reanimated giant creature which boasts huge teeth and claws, swarms of undead insects as an anti-personnel device, and when it opens its mouth, zombies zip out and attack.

This is one of the goofier concepts in recent D&D which means I think it is awesome.

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    There's something bizarrely cute about this creature. Maybe it's the big happy skull face. I can't help picturing a Keystone Cops sort of routine where it opens its mouth and out pour far more zombies than should be able to fit inside...

    You seem to have a knack for finding the most interesting creatures in D&D and doing really compelling illustrations of them.

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    Don't forget that disgusting pus nova ability it has (lovely, 10 rounds of nausea). It might be a strange and slightly goofy concept, but I also find it absolutely horrific as far as enemies go. I planned to spring one of these on my PCs but the game fell through before I could do it, which was saddening.

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    Carrion Trucking... ;-P