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Ember by The-Zombie-Cat



I have a lot of OC demands being made but Ember won out for the first slot ^^; lady is deep in some bad mood at the moment

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Visual / Digital



  • Link

    Oh sweetheart she looks absolutely incredible, but I feel so bad for the poor thing, she’s been so done wrong after all her hard work, loyalty and dedication :( her choker is aesthetically glorious but my heart aches behind its function :/ we need to focus on her soon and see if we can find her some peace

    • Link

      aw thank you hun, I really wanted her to look drained and depressed but with underlying rage ^^; that sums her up at the moment pretty well, and I think I did well to get that across if I can toot my own horn a bit XD but erf yeah.. I think the worst part of it is that when Estra's heart was presented to her, Ember didn't even initially want to take it, too.. so it's not like she consciously killed Estra in order to take her place, it wasn't a power grab, she only did it to save her own life in the end and even then she was hesitant :( but yeah to have everything she's spent her whole life working towards, trying to be the best Demon she can be and so strictly follow the 'code' and everything she went through to get to where she was it's like it's all been for nothing and she's very upset about it (varies rapidly between depressed and enraged)
      she does have a.. idk if i can call it a plan but more of a desperation move.. hopefully I can keep it in mind for when we're ready for her ^^;

      • Link

        Oh you have definitely got that feel to her, it’s incredibly well done and very toot-worthy :) It’s just heartbreaking that she must feel she was shoved into both the seat of power and thus indirectly shoved into her massive demotion, I feel angry for her. I’m completely on her side the poor love :( having your life’s work wiped out in a pique of Estra’s rage, it’s so unfair for her <3
        I’m looking forward to it and seeing how it plays out

        • Link

          aw thank you dear <3 oh yeah it's one of the more painful loose ends of the RP ^^; I'd say gaia's death is another but honestly she'd been gone from the realms so long anyway that I couldn't get too attached/not much has changed for anyone there ^^;