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Hey folks! So another doodle dump
This one i was focusing a lot on legs, felt the legs were a bit to spindly and a lot of folks agreed so i wanted to take some time and get those taken care of, so thats sorta a general thing with this dump
as always Left to right, Top to bottom

Just a tropical drek sittin nice and was my first take on the legs, basically making the middle part longer and the lower leg shorter, helps make them look a bit more powerful without being weird and stilty

Next up is another practice drawing, a scavenger and their dog! Scrap scavengers like this are always around, scavenging ruined human cities for scrap to re purpose into something else, things like pipes, pvc, scrap metals and mechanical/electrical pieces. Always useful! The dog, less so, but he's still a good boy

Next up is an arctic drek, in Environments that are lacking with things to scavenge drekir will have to rely entirely on other means, such as primitive tech or VerdaStal. And your average drek is gonna have some low quality verdastal (being purple verdastal) but its better than a stick, so militia, especially in northern Canada will commonly have crude VerdaStal maces, spears, or arrows to guard their villages.

A drek with a makeshift fiddle, i wouldn't call it a violin but hey, Seems good i mean look at her she's rocking that! So uh keep on.

A kid and their Grandma, just trying to distinguish older drekir (who lose fur, feathers, spines, horns etc. and scales going black) And a kid, which kids (like most reptiles) really don't look tooo much different from adults aside from a few traits, like some egg breaking teeth and some still growing in fur in the case of a kid drekikaltir

TACKLE! I wanted to do a dynamic pose and a tackling action seemed reasonable, this is a pretty practice focused drawing (red on blue for distinguishing folks). Thing is a drek is actually really hard to knock down assuming you are tackling them head on, but from the flanks a drek is really easy to tip. So if you are bumrushing a dragon then try and tackle them from the side... protip

Another fight Scene, a fight between a knife wielding drek and a bat wielding drek. I won't really say duel as melee fighting between drekir isn't exactly sophisticated or skilled. Often the most skill you may see is a drek who may stand back a moment before furiously stabbing or whacking their problem. Not sophisticated and not pleasant, noone wins in a knife fight!

A tiny drawing of a drek being stalked by cave drekir, probably going to end fine. But yeah cave drekir are a pretty unknown breed due to their rarity and need to be secluded in the darkness of the Cave systems under the ground, I am wanting to do some more work in the caves eventually, something like an "underdark" type situation.

Oh forgot about this one, its a drek with a shank so i can practice crouching with the differently drawn legs, yep!

Lastly at the bottom is a group shot of one of the parties involved in one of the two DragonScape Campaigns im GMing at the moment
Left to right

Yarb: The Gunslinger who came here to shoot guns and drink booze and he is all out of both
Diablo: The Chemist who is just trying to learn more about magic
Jake: The Furred drek that was then a feathered drek that was then a driyalk

Shaggy out!

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