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A doodle dump so soon though by TheShaggyDragon

A doodle dump so soon though


Hey folks! Been building these doodles up from requests both in person and from Discord!

So as always, left to right, top to bottom! Starting with the biker.

So bikes! This one in particular has a drek rider with a pretty decent bike, steel wheels instead of rubber since good, usable rubber is really hard to come by in the DragonScape as it rotted years ago. But metal wheels are fine enough for a bike, a bit bumpier but still usable (believe me i know)
Bicycles in the DragonScape are one of many types of vehicles in the DragonScape that isnt a Dracomule, or a Horse, or other type of animal or animal powered vehicle like a wagon. Bikes often have to be built from scratch, with maybe an old frame and some rubberless tires to get started. But after some repairs and modifications to better suit a drek a bike can be a great way to get around! A dreks normally great leg power that allows them to run so fast can be put into a bike and allow a drek to bike pretty fast, making traversing the overgrown cities and dirt trails connecting small villages far easier.

A friend in a campaign of mine was asking about what humans look like if they actually are aware that a fights coming and have time to prepare. Generally humans don't really get to be ready for attacks, since they often come out of the blue and against easy targets! A scientist can only have so many guards and personal armor and weapons before it starts getting in the way of research. Professional military tends to rely on a mix of heavy armor, weaponry (this guy basically has a machine gun) and an exoskeleton to support it all in order to make themselves a more serious threat against often disorganized opponents with far more primitive technology.
By the same vein, that same friend is playing a human who might drekify (its a dragonscape campaign) and wanted to suggest what that character would look like drekified, so i drew it out for her. A drek obviously can't carry as big a weapon as a dedicated human soldier but can still be pretty dandy to a human group to keep around.

A discord request that went something like "Draw two very different reactions of two drekir on the wakeup call day." Figured the first thing folks would figure out is "ah shit i dont have a tail what the fuck is this!?" and yes pants do become a complicated problem as a drek.

A discord request for magic being used in something that isnt fighting. And magic can be used in a myriad of ways and generally mages are usually not fighting! so what else can you do with magic?
In this case, electric breath is being channeled solely to charge electronics! so thats sorta the big use of it, takes a lot of mana though so it cant happen too often.
Fire Breath can obviously start fires, which has more uses than i can really put here, and also dragonfire is needed to melt VerdaStal so its important for Teal forges.
Frost Breath can freeze things, good for food preservation
Acid breath is kinda, not really useful for many things.
Scalemorphing, while mana intensive could allow a drek to do a lot of hardcore labor and field work, same with Starir summoning, getting a lot of free workers
So yeah magic is really useful outside of combat, the only problems are the skill required to use said magic (which if your a mage shouldnt be a big deal) or the cost of Mana, which can get pretty hefty if you are trying to use lightning breath to power a generator for example.

Just a warmup doodle of mine, a kinda boring side pose but went ahead and worked out a simple "coat" im sure drekir would make to try and keep themselves warm, i mean they're cold blooded so they'll need to warm themselves up prior to the coat but it can help keep what heat they have in their bodies in. its not really much different from those coats folks put on horses, so its not exactly fashionable but im sure a lot of folks will figure out how to make this thing as cloth making really starts coming back.

A Printer Cart. So human Skydrop (Trademark) printers are capable of printing a lot of things, including pieces that can be assembled into a small Cart, these drops also provide things like an electric motor, its a great tool for hauling things around and its about the closest thing drekir will get to a car before the Humans arrive but everything considered its pretty alright, an effortless 20mph across any terrain (thanks to the molding tires). While a drek can easily outrun these carts thats not the point, the point is they can take a lot of weight. So these printer carts are pretty great!

This was a Discord Request for a Drek that had essentially been promoted to Driyalk within a Sivilao society. So while drekir are basically the bottom caste rung in sivilao society there is some social mobility, those that really embrace sivilao culture and embody caste dragon values will be recognized and blessed by the kingdom. as seen by smaller manacrust scales on the back. These drekir are officially driyalk (often called Drekiyalkir by natural driyalkir) and will take on the same roles in society as the caste. They are pretty helpful for sivilao in terms of acclimating fresh drek catches to sivilao values due to a drek driyalk's understanding of regional languages and cultural norms, thus being a great negotiator.
another thing of note is the subtle brand on the drekirerlen's leg, thats a punishment brand, 3 of those and the sivilao will execute you regardless of what caste you are, its probably quite painful!

Lastly a cut of a much larger drawing of a drek feeding a Dragon Giraffe (a Giragon? i dunno) as there are a lot of exotic animals in the DragonScape because of zoos, and there are groups of drekir who dedicate their time for protecting these animals that would otherwise die in abandoned zoos. so kudos to those folks who work their tails off not only to keep themselves alive and fed, but also the many animals of the various zoos!

shaggy out!

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