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The Voicelake Visitor by TheShaggyDragon

The Voicelake Visitor


Ah yes a Voicelake! Something that could be the closest thing you could call "wastelands" in the DragonScape. These lakes are scattered all over the American Continents and can be anywhere from a square mile's area to over 800 square miles. Voicelakes are created when too much mana is concentrated in one area for too long, the mana will eventually gather together and form a giant lake. Mana so potent that one can glimpse into the 1st construction. The flora that grows around these voicelakes are very alien, bulbous and meant to hold way more mana than any other plant could survive doing.

During the Pulse several dozen of these voicelakes were created just from the sheer magical force of The Pulse. the drekir who would awake around these voicelakes are of a unique and rare breed, the DrekirAgo. drekir that would be more similar to drekirerlen if not for the bulbous sacks of mana beneath their snout and at the tip of their tails, these are the only type of non plant creature that can withstand the dense manafog of the voicelake without risk of becoming overloaded and melting down due to the sheer thickness of mana.

Any other breed that wants to wander into a voicelake will need a fogmask, a gasmask created from an airtight mask, lens, and either a filter with cans filled with a type of mold known as Muttermold that only grows around a voicelake itself, or they can bring an airtank and an airtight mask. Humanity can't even step in the fog with proper protection before rapidly drekifying after little more than a few minutes within the fog. So its rare to see any breed of drek, sivilao, or human stay in the fog near a voicelake for very long with the exception of the DrekirAgo, who can take advantage of the fog as a natural defense against potential aggressors.

Shaggy out!

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Visual / Digital