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Adopt a tribal lizard from 2018 by TheScorchingDragon

Adopt a tribal lizard from 2018


Adopts (2018) by me:
These are concepts from 2018 from an assignment i did in study for my bachelor course.
I got an A (High grade) since they are old i've discounted them
I will have more freshly made adopts from 2022 some time in late June.

DM me or leave a comment if you want to claim
Payment is via paypal.
If you buy one you may only and later down the line example a few years and resell it, you may only resell it for the price you paid for it here but you must notify me first.
The one who claims it will receive the artwork of the character and the rights to the character to be used non-commercially. (Posting the artwork i made requires credit to me)
If you want to use one of these characters commercially for profit ie; a videogame, company mascot, cartoon etc. you will need to pay me for a full days work on the drawing. 6 hours x 45 NZD instead and then you will have full rights to the character to use in any shape form, media, advertising etc you choose.

Art - :iconTheScorchingDragon: (Me)

If you have any questions i'd be happy to answer them.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital