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The Chocolatier's Crisis by The-Nocturnal-Rodent

The Chocolatier's Crisis


PLEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSE COMENT. I usually hate to ask so much but this one took me quite a while and I really want to know how I did on this one.

I haven't done a Wolf pic in a while, and this idea just kinda popped into my head. It's also a good reason to practice on perspective, shading and my weaknesses: hands and hats (i can't draw hats especially top hats, I do not know why).

Panther is a trickster Wolf, you should know that by now. He doesn't play fair and he's done underhanded things in the past. Good lesson, never ask Panther for candy....or anything for that matter. Especially when he's watching over the local candy factory. Why he wears a Willy Wonka getup, we don't know. Panther is messed up in the head like that.

I guess Wolf though Panther would never cross him like this. Oh, once his fingers started to turn a nice deep blue and his stomach started to pout I think Wolf figured out quick enough. For Panther's sake Wolf better get a cure quick. Although Wolf doesn't like the idea of being "juiced"; even though it's not a conventional juicer but more of like one of those crushing machines at the junkyard, the idea would freak anyone out.

Oh well, looks like Wolf is a blueberry for a while now....not like it hasn't happened before.

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    well at least he hasn't exploded. :3

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    Said it on your FA post and I'll say it here, I love the glow effect ^^