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Emergence by themefinland



This was another amalgamate commission for Adryxthis time with his own character and his dragon companion that are consumed by the brood. Also Adryx was kind enough to provide a little story for this one:

Roken was deep in the forest, the canopy of leaves and branches blocking a good portion of sunlight, leaving the forest in a form of perpetual twilight. Roken looked around and sniffed the air, hoping to catch the scent of his friend. Adryx had been missing for nearly two weeks, but Roken wasn’t about to give up looking for his friend.

Roken made his way through the trees, occasionally smelling the air, trying to find any trace of Adryx. As he ventured forward, the crystals on his back glowing faintly in the half-light, he picked up an interesting scent. It was different, unlike anything he’d ever smelled before. It was sweet, sort of like honey. Roken made his way toward the smell and found some strangely purple and tropical looking plants on the other side of a large, and smooth, stone. There was some sort of pollen in the air, and Roken sneezed before he continued.

Roken approached, wanting to investigate the plants. He hadn’t forgotten about Adryx, but these had caught his attention, and his curiosity got the better of him. He started across the stone, but as soon as he was two steps onto it, there was a loud crack. Roken looked down and saw that the surface of the stone had fractured, but he didn’t have any time to react before it broke and he fell through, crashing down into an oil-like substance, sinking completely beneath it.

Roken broke the surface, his entire body covered in the tar, taking in a breath before he tried to reach up and pull himself out, only to find that he could pull his arms out of the stuff. He couldn’t move and was quickly sinking back beneath the surface. However, he wasn’t as worried about it as he knew he should be, and it wasn’t long before Roken completely disappeared beneath the oil.

Everything was quiet for a bit, just some bird song in the distance. Suddenly, the oil began to bubble, and a form began to rise out of it. A hand with long claws reached up and grabbed the edge of the shell that had hid the tar, and pulled itself upward, more of the creature’s body forming as it pulled itself out of the oil. It stood up, its large wings spread out behind it. It was obvious that this creature had been Adryx once, but there were some differences to the original creature. There were more fingers on its wings, and teeth could be seen inside its mouth.

Another creature rose out of the oil, pulling itself out of the pit, purple crystals forming as it climbed over the edge. This thing looked similar to Roken, but no longer was the earth dragon that had been searching for his friend. The formerly green crystals now purple, a fine pollen-like mist rising from the crystals on his back. The former dragon roared as it pulled itself out of the vault, the deep voice scaring birds from the slowly wilting trees.

For more about the amalgamate check out this group

Submission Information

Visual / Digital