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Raindance, the Scarred Shaman by The Canidean

Raindance, the Scarred Shaman

The Canidean

Real Name: T'pok od-Hodost, AKA Tom Pock

Superhero Name: Raindance

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Species: Common Rat

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown, bloodshot

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 130 lb

Physical description: Wiry build, piebald fur, numerous scars on arms, legs, back, chest, and the soles of the feet

Outfit: Mask made from a scorched skull and black fabric, tabard adorned with bones, loincloth, barefoot

Occupation: Vigilante, migrant worker

-War rattle, made from a staff of springy wood, two abalone shells, two strips of iron, beads, feathers, and a lump of steel
-Bags filled with various powders, including sulfur, salt, chalk, ashes, and bonemeal

Personal Transportation: None

Area of Operation: Across United States

-Weather manipulation
-Earth manipulation
-Thermal manipulation
-Martial art: Raindance has invented his own martial art that he calls "Fool's Dance" or "Tarukatuk", something of a mixture of drunken boxing, capoiera, and savate
-Elemental infusion: Raindance can infuse powders with elemental characteristics, making them burn, freeze, electrocute, encase, or obscure

-Power: Given time and space to work, Raindance could potentially destroy a small city with the sheer reach and strength of his superpowers
-Hardened: Raindance seems immune to torture. His reaction to any form of pain and interrogation is flippant statements, insults, and lectures on how to torture fursons properly
-Immunities: Raindance's dubious sanity makes him immune to psychic attack, and any god-based or spirit-based powers have a tendency to completely fail when brought to bear against him

-Vulnerability: T'Pok lacks invulnerability or regenerative powers, and can be injured or killed by physical means just like any other furson
-Complexity: Raindance draws his powers from complex rituals that involve elaborate dances and/or strange chants. Interrupting these has a chance to disrupt his use of these powers
-Insanity: Raindance seems to exhibit many of the signs of schizophrenia, and is considered delusional. He sees visions, talks to inanimate objects, and makes lots of bizarre gestures and statements.

Nobody knows anything about Tom Pock. He has no birth certificate, no social security number, or anything that would be normally used as means of identification. He also seems to have no living relatives, always uses cash, and travels by walking, hitchhiking, or public transportation.

However, he often claims that his real name is T'Pok, and that he comes from the Land of Grass. He claims that in the Land of Grass, the gods frequently walked among mortals, and demanded their worship. When T'Pok refused, choosing to instead worship the elemental spirits Papa Storm and Mama Grave, the gods attempted to turn the heretic by every method at their disposal - offering rewards unheard of by mortals, and when that failed, submitting him to untold tortures. When all of this failed, they decided to isolate him from their flocks by flinging him into another world.

Obviously, that's probably all the product of a demented mind. But he was found stark naked in the middle of a field in Kansas, and his body is covered in scars and signs of torture. And when he dances and sings, strange things start happening. Some people have started to wonder if Tom Pock is the imaginary one, and T'Pok - Raindance - is far more sane than others would want to believe.

Personality: Unstable. Tom is given to laughing at the most inappropriate times, speaking in rhyme, talking to inanimate objects, and generally acting like a nut. However, he seems to be unimpaired in day-to-day activities, and shows a particular hatred towards extortionists, pimps, furson traffickers, and anyone else who forces others to act against their wills. He also has a tendency to tease members of other religions, though this never goes beyond dancing around, making ridiculous remarks, and generally being annoying.

Colmaton universe belongs to TRAIN

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