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Princely Beast by thebeesknees

Princely Beast


"Oh my child, why must you bear your teeth to me. Have you forgotten who you are? Have you any sense of yourself?

Do you think it just, that you alone must be shunned and locked away while your human self be granted the kind of freedom you could only wish for? Is it because you are a monster and he is not? Ha, ha! I could beg to differ. Of course, you wouldn't know the adulterous and hedonistic mannerisms of your human counterpart, would you?

Ah--he's Sidhe through and through, perhaps more so than even you. How he leads good women astray, and leaves them to cry alone. Oh, and if you could only see how he struggles against the urge to feed on a child. But that would be too hard a crime to hide, see. So he eats their pets instead. And blames it on the wolves.

And you, locked away in a silver gilded cage, you've never committed such crimes, have you? You've never prayed on women nor child, not even man lest it be in self defense. Yet you are the monster, the curse, the terrible beast. You, with your well read knowledge and princely mannerism, are the creature they fear. Do you really think it just?

They are human, young Sidhe prince. And so is she. Perhaps there was a time when they revered your sort, but that time is long past, far away, and you were never part of it. We who are not human, are monsters, dear son. You are not human. We are better to come away from the human world of iron and fire, and leave them to their own devices.

Son of Danu, Leave that girl to me. The gesture alone may set you free."

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    What is the quote from?

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      It's my own little bit of writing from a story I'm working on with some partners! is our current dumping grounds for all things related to the story so far :>

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        Timblr confuses meee. .__. 'll take a look on the weekend.