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How Fran Became Jealous of a Towel by Tempo

How Fran Became Jealous of a Towel


How Fran Became Jealous of a Towel
By Tempo

Fran's boyfriend arrives, slightly wetter than expected.

Sheets of rain rippled down from a dark sky. A polite clatter of the door knocker. Fran hopped up from the sofa, bouncing to a run as she neared the door. She opened it to find her boyfriend soaked through the fur.

"Hey." The otter offered a grin, water sloughing off his thick tail. Deep brown eyes flicked back to his Vespa. "Got a little wet on the way over."

"Ohmygosh! Come in before you catch cold." Fran shut the door after him, sealing the downpour outside. "I'll be right back." Gesturing at him to stay put, she scampered to the bathroom and rummaged around for a clean towel. "I feel so bad for making you walk all the way here!"

His chuckle echoed from the foyer. "Don't worry: we otters don't exactly dissolve in water."

The bunny babbled back into the room, twisting the fabric in her hands. "I didn't know it was gonna rain so much today! I got you a tow…wow…el…"

Evan stood in the entryway, removing his soaked t-shirt. His head fur lay flat and shedding droplets down the rest of his body. Sleek muscle flexed under shimmering fur, causing water to roll off his streamlined form with every move. The supple lines of his body lead her eyes down into his jeans. Whispers in her mind, sounding uncannily like Sam, detailed ways she could warm him up.

Turning, he raised an eyebrow. "So…can I have that towel now?"

A blush burned across her cheeks. "Ah! Yes, of course!"

This test scene is for a new project I'm working on with   thefunkyone &   t-kay, using their characters.

Art:   thefunkyone
Proofs:   t-kay


Submission Information

Visual / Sketch