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Vikings! - Eihwaz Head by Temperance

Vikings! - Eihwaz Head



Key Phrase
‘By embracing change you will make quick progress on your path.’

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning
Defence. Yggdrasil the Yew Tree – The Tree of Life.

Change, initiation, confrontation of inner and outer fears, force, purpose, need to acquire, regeneration and rebirth, winter, death, transformation, turning point, strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness, enlightenment, endurance. The gate to the Underworld.

EIHWAZ is ‘the source of all life’.

Eihwaz represents the pinnacle to which all things revolve and spin out of. It is the mystery or the power of life. It is the death that renews and brings new life. It represents cycles and is a rune of wisdom and communication.

The Eihwaz rune represents a turning point in the runic journey and indicates the transformational phase of the initiatory process.

The Eihwaz rune provides protection to the seeker and can help increase personal power and defence. It also suggests communication between different worlds, different layers of reality and different realms.

Eihwaz shows that this is a time for transformations on many levels. It is a time to flow with the changes rather than resist them as the timing is right for goals and aspirations to come flowing abundantly. To resist is to stagnate. Eihwaz is giving you the driving force to acquire your desires and provides motivation and a sense of purpose. It indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals with ease.

The strong message with Eihwaz is to move forward through fear and doubt. If you remain true to yourself and keep to your own path, you will soon find yourself basking in new enlightenments.

Now may be the time to put plans into action. Perseverance and foresight are called for when Eihwaz is drawn though. Avert anticipated difficulties through thought and right action. It is a time to deal with things at hand, rather than put them off until they resurface at a later date.

Submission Information

Visual / Sewing / Knitting