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What have you done... WIP 1 by Teiirka

What have you done... WIP 1


9 x 12 color pencil This has been cropped.

Trying to finely do a decent fox. I'm fairly happy with her so far but critique is welcome. I'll be starting the background tonight.

Yeah, I know the moon's wrong. It will be fixed tonight.

I thought I'd write a little description of the scene, just a few sentences, but 6 long pages later, I suppose it is now considered a short story. :P The second draft is finished and I think it is ready to post. Here is the first 3 paragraphs.

"What have you done to me?" Jamie demanded, the words coming out reasonably clear despite the alteration of the physical elements involved to produce them.

" I did what you asked and saved your life…and more, I have also given you a reason for living." Replied the old woman.

"Look at me, I'm a monster, how do you expect me to live like this? I can't go home or even dare let people see me. I'd have been better off dead! How could this," she said, thrusting out her paw-hand, "possibly give me a reason to live?"

I'll post the complete story when I post the completed picture.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    You might want to change the rating to Mature since there are nipples (sorta), Weasyl can be pretty picky about this. Other than that, I'd say that fox is a success!

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      Edited the file photo instead. Actually I did not like the shadowing and removed it from the actual drawing. just haven't uploaded it yet.

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    Nicely done.

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    Lovely face and I like the pose overall...I can't see much to critique about this one! :)