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Lorn Veralin Delóse by TanzaniteBlood

Lorn Veralin Delóse


Like Luna, Lorn represents me, my other side to Luna. Unless you know me personally would you know what pieces they represent on their own. And how they do as a whole. Lorn was created........about 8 yrs ago. From that time there was little that changed about him. Not like Luna who has changed and evolved as I had matured through the years.

Because of the little amount that has changed for Lorn it is clear that at the time I was settling within myself. He represented aspects that I had denied for a while or had not even realized was within me. He was the darker part of myself that I have come to accept and, I'm proud of. I am not a perfect person, and I'm glad to know what makes so imperfect. Luna represents my lighter aspects, even though she like Lorn isn't perfect. She has pieces of myself that are not perfect and that is why Lorn and Luna balance each other.

Lorn started out as a Caeldian, a race that belongs to caeldian but as it came to be, Lorn did not fit in the world she created. This is no insult to Oni or her creations, to a person who spent years like herself making a race like the Vars, and now the addition of the Scyrens. I felt I was insulting her by continuing to believe Lorn could or would fit. Having spoken with her, she understood and we both felt Lorn should find his own place like I have in this world. As it came to be I created a race around him, and have become just as proud with the Scyrens as I have with the Vars.

Slowly I am working out details, and slowly the world is coming to be. But like every creation you put a large amount of effort in, time, and will, it won't happen within the next month. I believe like the Vars it may take a few more years before I have as much of the world written down and worked out that it could be titled "complete".

As it stands this ref is met for the use of myself, my friends, and anyone else who may need of it when it comes to Lorn. I still have to do his other 2 forms, Anthro (humanoid) and his Berserker form. Hopefully! I'll get those up sometime within the next decade XD Probably his Berserker form waaaaaaaaaaaaay sooner than his Anthro....I still have a problem working out his build and such for his humaniod. Veralin (what he goes by as a female, and yes the Scyrens can change gender.) is done as I've posted her many times already. Just gotta work on his male side.



Lorn Veralin Delóse & Scyrens © Me

This picture is not to be used anywhere else, whether it be forums, RP sites, or anything else. This is only for viewing pleasure and nothing else. If found elsewhere it will be asked to be taken down politely, if not followed other actions will be taken. This is My fursona, and I do not DO NOT want to be used by anyone else who think just because they found it on the internet they can use it.

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