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Rin's Sass by Talarin

Rin's Sass


See this~? Witness and worship. The cock of my hip, the flick of my wrist, the sway of my tail, the light of my eye...

My name is Alta Talarin. I am often called Rin. I am a complex melding of nature, science and magic. A biohybrid of melded flesh and metal and light.

My race is alsier. We are crocutoid kin of dragons, children of ancients, an unnatural evolution wrought in psionics and deep magics. The science and art of ether. Our minds are configured for it, our bodies steeped in it, our eyes filled with it. This light you see in me is power - true power brimming from the core and setting alight keen minerals. Our eyes see what yours cannot. Long waves and tight waves that only your machines can perceive. You cannot hide from us. We focus on frequencies, shift what we see. Our backs are adorned by great wings of chiropteran bone, scale-like feathers and strong, shallow claws. Mine are of light, as are my skin, fur and tail, and have been left digitized within the pathways of my flesh and metal mind.

My clan is Xiche. We are rulers, healers and engineers of biotechnology. We drive the body past its limits, correct its flaws and repair its damage. We write new blood to absorb machines, to adapt it and forge it into new flesh. In magic and science we have created flesh made of light.

My home is Arunes. She is awakened by dragons of flesh and wood, the breathless vineforgers named ulowa. She thinks and feels. In her whim she wrote masses of water and land in her skies, creating nexus for us to call our homes. Her heart ties to other worlds, creating gates through which we walk to visit our distant neighbors. Often her space is warped and changed, creating zones of limbo for spirits to be trapped... but this is most often our doing. In anxiety our ancestors tore space apart to recover their lost.

Welcome to a glimpse of my world.

|| Art by the fun and outstanding Draekos Draekos
|| Thank you so much for this, Kos. I look forward to hanging out on your stream again.