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Sygg / 01001101 01100001 0110110 / The irradiated wasteland of the American Southwest

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Item #: SCP-2019

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2019 is to be contained in an 8 m x 8 m x 8 m heavily reinforced steel room, with no less than a 1 m titanium backing and a 3 m concrete buffer. The room is to be kept highly humidified and kept at a temperature not exceeding ██ °C.
As of ██/██/04 at 22:48, SCP-2019 breached site containment and successfully eluded capture, resulting in ███ deaths, ██ injuries, and [REDACTED] dollars worth of damage to equipment at Site █. (See Addendum 2019c)

Description: SCP-2019 is a wolf-like creature, vaguely humanoid in shape, covered in black fur. Located on its back are large semi-opaque spines, tan and brownish in color, which can be raised or lowered against the spine. When lowered, they are hidden by a thick layer of fur. The spines are grouped just below the nape of the neck, between the shoulder blades, and just above the small of the back in a vaguely diamond pattern. In the base of each spine is a small gland that secretes one of the deadliest compound poisons known to science, which [REDACTED]. These spines can be removed from the follicle and thrown with great accuracy by SCP-2019 causing death in under █ ms. A spine which has been removed will regrow in █ days.
It has been observed moving in both a bipedal and quadrupedal fashion, though it doesn't appear to have a preferred method and switches between the two at random. When in a bipedal state, it walks digitigrade. It can cling to most surfaces and does not appear to be affected by long periods of time spent upside down. Its rate of movement is unaffected by gravitational orientation.
Its reaction times are comparable to that of a house fly, and SCP-2019 has stated on several occasions that reacting to various intense situations feels more instinctual than conscious. SCP-2019 has been observed to avoid non-lethal rounds fired by personnel even while upside down.
SCP-2019 does not drink fluids, but rather absorbs them through a set of filtering scilia located in the canine-like nose. Its original environment was constantly shrouded in fog and mist, and therefore it evolved to absorb liquids from the air.
SCP-2019 is extremely intelligent, possessing the ability to speak, write, create artistic works in a 2d medium, operate a computer and [DATA EXPUNGED].
The only article of clothing that it regularly wears is any number of brands of adult disposable diaper, modified with an aperture for SCP-2019's tail. It does not appear to need them, or use them. SCP-2019 has stated it wears them for [DATA EXPUNGED] appears to grow incredibly violent when not allowed access to them. (See Addendum 2019b for logs regarding removal of access to diapers.)
SCP-2019 has stated that it is from [DATA EXPUNGED] and later referred to an undisclosed site known as Lab 5. It is unclear what relation SCP-2019 has to Lab 5 and has only stated that it hasn't been built in the past yet.

Addendum 2019b: Removal of SCP-2019's access to diapers.

SCP-2019 was prevented from wearing any disposable adult brief for one day. It grew increasingly agitated, and continued requesting that it be allowed to acquire a diaper 'or else it would perform science on us all'[sic]. When informed that it would not be allowed to wear a diaper for twenty four hours, SCP-2019 breached room containment and [DATA EXPUNGED] near Storage Room █. personnel were unsuccessful in [REDACTED] SCP-2019. After acquiring a diaper, SCP-2019 stated "█████████ ███ ███!" and began [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in ██ deaths to class D personnel.

Addendum 2019c: Containment breach of SCP-2019

On ██/██/04 at 23:56 SCP-2019 was seen crouching on a ceiling near the cafeteria at Site █. Before personnel had a chance to react SCP-2019 [DATA EXPUNGED] outer access hatch located at [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] stated "It screamed something about not having a mobile in its room and then ██████ was dead." Attempts to recapture SCP-2019 have been unsuccessful at this time, although they are ongoing. SCP-2019 represents a legitimate threat to the entire human species, and has been put on review for an upgrade to Keter class.


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