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Starfox Lylat Cruise 17/25 by SWSU-Master

Starfox Lylat Cruise 17/25


Chapter 17: How Times Have Changed…a Pity, Really…; Day 235

Despite the fact it was initially deemed inhospitable, today Venom has become home to various research settlements and building upon its history as a key location in the Lylat System. The main thing on land worth visiting was a museum in honor of all heroes that had contributed to Venom’s liberation, its distance however made it so only those dedicated on extended vacations like the passengers on the Lylat Cruiser would be able to make the trip.

Naturally because the Star Fox team was the first to successfully fight through Venom, they were the focus of several exhibits. Fox could feel all the best memories of his adventuring days come back, wanting to relive his glory days. Seeing all of this provided a sense of well-timed nostalgia he couldn’t help but want to milk.

The only problem was that not everyone recognized Fox himself as THE same Fox from the pictures. This irked him a bit with how dulled many of the adults’ memories seemed to be, dampening the mood of nostalgia with how people didn’t recognize him. Certainly Fox hadn’t changed THAT much? He then tried his luck with a kid, hoping the kid would give better results in making a facial match by JUST face alone. Sadly He was met with:

“The Guy in the Picture isn’t Fat.” The Kid said it with no malice in his voice, just confusion over the confrontation. In terms of nostalgia, Fox was finding what was supposed to be a dream trip was turning into a nightmare with how few remembered he was THE Fox McCloud. …well, maybe most of the tourists didn’t recognize him anymore for one reason or another, but Fox could recognize himself despite his increased waistline. Everything he accomplished in his life was still there, nothing had changed. He was still the Legendary Fox McCloud, and a few chins or several hundred pounds didn’t change any of that. He had a hot mate, a kid on the way, and when he finally admitted that he was still hot. All of the worries about his weight vanished.

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