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Starfox Lylat Cruise 1/25 by SWSU-Master

Starfox Lylat Cruise 1/25


It felt like yesterday Fox McCloud could remember still being active as the leader of the Star Fox team, flying through space from Corneria to Venom in record time that would not be beaten for years to come and then his adventures on Dinosaur Planet and the Aparaoid Invasion to finally managing the confusing series of events that was the Anglar Wars. If there was one thing Fox had taken for granted, it was the thrill of adventure…

…in reality, it had been quite a few years since his prime days. The biggest change of all was retiring from active combat and settling down with Krystal. Needless to say, his planning for retirement had been unexpectedly minimal and he found himself unsure of what to do without being a pilot for the Starfox team.

“…Someone remind me why retiring from combat was a good idea again,” Fox muttered to himself as he had become increasingly too restless to not be back flying through space. However, going back into combat was out of the question. Fox had met his eventual successors who’d take to the skies... Plus his Arwing, while cherished by many, was considered a retired model and being preserved as a memento by the military he now left behind the lifestyle of. At his point in Fox’s life, he was even LESS prepared to make a comeback into the dogfight scene even if he wanted to. Still, there must be SOMETHING left for this now retired captain…

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Visual / Digital