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Nimbus by Susiron



Nimbus before his horn is sawed off.

Unicorns of Lorn typically have formidable, curved horns. The length of these horns may vary from group to group, with some having short, thick horns close to their heads.

Some unicorns have developed different horns through selective breeding in domestic situations, however. Unicorns raised closely by fauns have often been seen to exhibit long and straight horns for show-- although their practical use is questionable.

Other than their horns, unicorns of Lorn are best known for their screams. They omit a terrible sound-- not unlike a wolf howl combined with a child's scream-- and will shout out over the hills during dawn and dusk hours. This bone-chilling sound has led negative superstition to surround them. It is considered unlucky to encounter a unicorn by many, and thought far more unlucky to slay one.

Ironically, it is also thought good luck to possess an object from a unicorn's body-- their horn, hair, or hooves in particular. Due to this, people who do not fear the bad luck associated with unicorns may take up poaching.

"Guilt" and its characters belong to me.
Drawn on SAI.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I love seeing non-traditional takes on unicorns. :3 Looking forward to seeing more of this Guilt world!

    • Link

      Thank you! ; u ;
      I love posting more stuff about it so you're in for a constant treat here lD

  • Link

    Your ideas are always so cool. I love the thought of haunting unicorn screams. I imagine it sounding light a slightly more horrifyig elk bugle.

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      AHHHH thank you! ; u ;
      And that's actually a good way to describe it probably LOL
      "Cover your ears; the demon elks are about"