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Spotlighter Spectra by steampunklayhr

Spotlighter Spectra


Alright, so! 8U I actually finished these many months back, but just got around to compiling them- I'm not sure if I mentioned it here, but when I originally created Spotlighters the idea was to make adopts for them; while I may still do a contest or something in the future, I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna pursue that, but it was super fun making a bunch of color variants anyway!

Because Spotlighter fur is comprised of a series of fiber-optic-esque strands that can project any color or pattern, you get some pretty interesting and distinct variations between Spotlighters themselves- this individuality actually has a use beyond just being pretty, since it lets people distinguish between them at a glance (and makes it harder to imitate one for unlawful/infiltration purposes, if you catch my drift.)


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Visual / Digital


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    oh my god if you'd ever make adopts of these I would eat them up THESE ARE THE GREATEST.

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      aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh THANK YOU SO MUCH STITCH that makes me super happy! ;u; <333

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    I adore the Hazard, Ashen Snow, Ember Bark and Minty Mocha one so cute C:
    are these species open or closed?

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      Ahh, thank you so much! :D (and sorry for the somewhat late reply here!) Those are some of my favorites too. C8
      And! The species is.... semi~ open, in that so long as people ask nicely and I have a decent idea of who they are I'd probably say yes; I mostly just want to make sure people have read up on them/understand the species and setting they operate in, as well as that they'd follow the rules (linking back/giving credit, not using in any published works, etc) and things like that. :>

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        Oh well if it's all right with you could I make one myself? I will go through all the species info again to get it all right c:
        I really adore the species

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          Aww, that makes me really happy that you like them so much! ;u; And sure, that would be fine- let me know if you have any questions, and I can't wait to see what you come up with! :D

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    Omg!! They are so cute! ^^ you should make them as adopts or hold contests for them! They would make good adoptables!! ^^

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      Thank you very, very much- that was the original plan for them hahah, so we shall see! :D

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        Your welcome!! ^^ haha ok :D