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Infodump - Maintenance Division - 2012 by steampunklayhr

Infodump - Maintenance Division - 2012


Reupload from 2012. More Spotlighter sub-divisions! THESE GUYS ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE 8'D

And now for one of my faaaavorites, the Mechanic/Maintenance Division of Spotlighters! Oh my god these guys are so adorable, I can't even. ;u;

They're basically programmed to wander around buildings/areas with a lot of mechanical equipment to maintain and fix any problems that arise, yep.

Now for some copypasta:

-It doesn't matter if it's a whole slew of larger systems or just a few small ones, these guys will patrol their given area checking for problems, and performing basic upkeep for whatever they're in charge of. They're programmed with a great deal of overall repair knowledge for a variety of things, and can additionally be loaded with specific schematics for equipment on premises, how to keep it operating at peak condition, and what to do in case repairs are needed.

-These guys' most noteworthy feature are the secondary pair of arms, which are able to rotate and twist in a fairly good range and assist them in making repairs. They articulate at the shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers, and can serve to grab or hold everything from large machinery parts to smaller nuts and bolts they're working with. (Despite being the smallest division, these guys are actually quite strong, and can lift a substantial amount of weight!) The vast majority of their 'toolkit' is actually contained within the 'hand' portion of the arms, with sets of retractable tooltips including everything from screwdriver heads to drillbits and more. In addition, they can also grab hold of something and rotate it continually, such as unscrewing larger nuts and bolts that would otherwise require a wrench to get loose.

-Maintenance division also have a scanning capability which allows them to 'see' problems without having to crack apart whatever the piece of equipment is to do so; it functions more or less like an x-ray, and allows them not only to detect minor issues that haven't yet become visible problems, but also to focus more specifically on the problem area without tearing the whole machine apart to find it.

I'm actually really in love with the color-scheme for the guy up top, and might keep him as a character. You don't even know how much I love these guys and their derpy shorter muzzles and ears, ahhh. 8D

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