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Infodump - High Security Division - 2012 by steampunklayhr

Infodump - High Security Division - 2012


Reupload from 2012. The last of the Spotlighter sub-divisions, and almost to the end of my mighty string of infodumps on the subject!

AND NOW FOR THESE GUYS. They are actually... my least favorite division (though I am pleased with them visually), but for ~story~ and other reasons I wanted to get them designed out anyway. 8| These guys are the heavy duties of the Spotlighter world, the largest and heaviest division, and are nothing to be trifled with; they are also the only division capable of using lethal force, and later problems inherent in their programming cause production to be shut down indefinitely.

Some notes:

-Very few were ever made, and for good reason- they were designed to protect the most invaluable of objects, people, or information, and are the only Spotlighter division programmed to allow a lethal use of force. I imagine a hell of a lot of paperwork would be required to even obtain one, and you'd need a very good reason- it would be like the difference between hiring a general security guard or having a secret security agent with a semi-automatic beneath his coat, so what they're protecting better damn well be worth it.

-I had a possible storyline idea for later on to explain why production of these guys is on 'indefinite hold'- as you can probably guess it involves Bad Things Happening, but I'm trying to figure out how it could happen without totally ruining Secure Technologies. (Essentially, it involves another problem/malfunction with that heuristics-based problem solving of their AI, and how it can occasionally come to the wrong conclusion- only in this case, one of these decided that the object it was guarding was more important than the person it was guarding it for, and that said person was a threat that must be eliminated. Yeahhhh. Trying to determine if there was actual foul play involved/someone purposely compromising the code which led to the malfunction [in which case Secure Technologies could claim it wasn't their fault, but they'll damn well figure out how that was possible and not make any more until they solve it] or if it really was just a random error; either way, I get the feeling that the entire division was recalled and deactivated, and might not be worth the liability to continue producing even when they do figure it out.)

Yeppp. As you can see by the 'full of bullets' up there, I don't have much more to say on these guys. 8'D But that about rounds out the lineup of main Divisions, so!

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  • Link

    these characters are so cool :D

    • Link

      Ahh, thank you! :D These guys (Spotlighters in general) are definitely some of my favorites, so it makes me super happy when other people think they're cool too! <3

      • Link

        are they your own species? :) they are really interesting

        • Link

          They are indeed! :D They've been around for several years (I want to say since... 2008, maybe?) and I think they've easily got some of the most worldbuilding out of all my original species. <3