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Bookworms by starvinartmajor



Commission for   ArimisKanti

As an avid reader myself, I couldn't pass this idea up. This is just way too cute to not do. Because reading a good book, and cuddles are pretty much the best things ever. Only things missing are blankets, and possibly some delicious beverage. Possibly snacks. But this is pretty awesome, I gotta say.

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    Yeah! About the missing beverage... hot, freshly-brewed herbal tea. :9 This is what I love to sip while getting absorbed into a very good book. :D
    I can completely relate to these two adorable and very well-drawn anthro-ladies! ;) I love the contrasting blues and pinks. <3 Cute snuggling moments like these are always rather precious. <3

    Are you currently reading anything interesting? I'm currently venturing forth into Mark Z. Danielewski's "House Of Leaves" - weirdest psychological horror novel ever. >8)

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      Mmmmm tea, coffee, hot chocolate... any of those really. Delicious warm beverages are the best when it's a cool day out and you wanna read a good book!

      And awww thank you so much darlin! <3 I love their color schemes :D They look so wonderful together!

      Oooh House of Leaves. I've heard really good things about it, but haven't picked it up yet. At the moment, I don't have a book in my hands, since it's the first week of the month, and I gotta be all over-achiever and get as much work done as I can. Though audiobooks are pretty awesome, and allow me to work, but still give me a good story. I'm working on Frank Herbert's Dune, and the rest of the series, which is sort of daunting, since there's so many books XD I've listened to Ender's Game, and I plan on listening to the whole Ender set, as well as the set of books for Bean. Though House of Leaves is definitely one that I have to check out.

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        That novel is insane... simply put. Awesome, but freaking sporadic as hell. XD

        Also I concur! All warm beverages are simply made for consumption alongside a good book!

        You just continue to set the bar higher for your talents with each new post, my dear. In return, I'm quite thrilled to see what you have in store to share! Makes me a very happy and excited shep-coon, so it does ;3

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          Oh man! I gotta check it out! That sounds like a blast! I do love some good books :3

          And mmmmmm.... a nice hot chai tea sounds fantastic right now! Unffffffff!!! Brb gonna brew some chai!

          Awww shucks darlin! You're too kind! Seriously, that makes me so happy to hear that people enjoy what I put up. It makes it all worth while :3

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    Mmmf... the colours and patters are gorgeous! Both characters are very neat looking with some neat patterns and work on them (like the tentacle-like arm). I think the idea of a very simple background (IE no elaborate detailing) makes the characters stand out all the more too. Lovely side-profile of the paws too.

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      Oh man, I agree. I love how the background, being pretty simple, makes the characters stand out pretty nice. And Awwww yeah these paws yo... These paws :P