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Jason McCloud 2016 by Star_Ringer

Jason McCloud 2016


Subject: Bioweapon SHQ-002:JM, codename "Beloved Son"

Previous intel confirmed incidents of Andross' use of bioweapons. [See Reports on: Vulcain, Bacoon, Monarch Dodora, Goras]
Subject suspected to be the means of remotely controlling bioweapons.
Salvaged records indicate subject is the end result of experiments performed on James McCloud. [Records of experiments on James McCloud still undiscovered, possibly destroyed]
Stem biomatter: 48% James McCloud, 49% Andross, 1% UNKNOWN
Subject artificially created approximately 1 year before Venomian Invasion, exact date unspecified. Records indicate subject accelerated to adolescence over 16 weeks.
Abilities documented including telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis. Subject specifically listed as lacking clairvoyance, precognition.
Note: Test cases of trials of subject's abilities include Pigma Dengar. Date coincides with prisoner records naming Dengar. Significance unknown.
Technological lattice on Venomian surface concealed as ruins of spiritual sites suspected to be telepathic amplifier for use by subject.
Verbiage of records suggests Andross is able to control subject's telepathy vicariously, suggested to be possible due to genetic relation between subject and Andross. Personal notes by Andross imply considerable personality imprint on subject as result.
Subject to be considered insane, innately armed, and extremely dangerous. Current whereabouts most likely with Andross, at large and unknown in aftermath of Venomian War.

Personal logs by Andross regarding subject imply James McCloud was alive and cognizant as recently as 24 hours before Venomian Invasion, and aware of subject. No further records on McCloud have been found. McCloud was most likely finally killed during destruction of Andross' subterranean stronghold. Amending of records on James McCloud's death is unadvised.

Addendum: Subject is definitely not a self-insert fanfic character I made when I was 8 years old.

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