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Rainstar by Starflower




Name: Rainstar
Gender: Female
Role: Leader
Clan: LavenderClan
Personality: Rainstar is very quiet but is great at making decisions quick and wisely. She is very gentle to the kits and apprentices, as well as the elders, and respects the warriors of her Clan.
She is the former leader of LavenderClan.
Cause of Death: Murdered by Firemoth

Previous Names:

  • Rainkit
  • Rainpaw
  • Rainfur
  • Rainstar ### Appearance Rainstar is a silvery grey she-cat with grey tabby stripes, a grey tail and sky-blue eyes. She has a star marking on her forehead.


Mother: Rosewing
Father: Curltail
Littermate(s): Greystorm
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Background story

"You trusted her. You believed her enough to believe that I was a killer!" Firepaw hissed. The LavenderClan leader stood before her, her tail lashing intimidatingly. "And now I'm going to SHOW you the real killer that's been HIDING inside me!"
"That is why I exiled you as an apprentice, Firepaw. Though I never really believed that you killed those kits, StarClan knew that if I didn't get rid of you from my Clan quick, the whole Clan would be in danger," Rainstar said, calmly.
"No. If you haven't exiled me and accused me, I would have lived a happy life. You. This is what made me into this monster. And you will PAY for this, Rainstar." Firepaw unsheathed her claws and latched herself onto Rainstar's back, kicking furiously. Rainstar twisted her head around, grabbed Firepaw's scruff and threw her to the ground.
"You think you can kill me, Firepaw. How bold of you." Rainstar pinned Firepaw to the ground, her claws extended. "Make one wrong more, Firepaw. You're dead meat."
Firepaw growled and twisted under the leader's grip. But she couldn't move.
"Run and go back to your Clan, young traitor. And never return. You'll never be welcome here." Rainstar released Firepaw, and the apprentice pounced right on Rainstar's muzzle, and slashed her across the face. Yowling, Rainstar tried tossing Firepaw to the ground, but Firepaw was strong. She held onto the leader's scruff, and bit into her throat. With a pained whimper, the leader fell to the ground.
"Take that, Rainstar." Firepaw scoffed. Then back away. The rest of the Clan was busy fighting off the SpringClan warriors. After fleeing LavenderClan, Firepaw had joined SpringClan, where she was greatly accepted.
"You must've forgotten that I am a leader." Rainstar stagered back up, teeth clenched. She hissed and clawed at Firepaw, but the apprentice swiftly dodged, and slashed the leader's underbelly, leaving a large gash that once again resulted in the leader's death.
"RAINSTAR!" Snakefoot yowled. "Firepaw, get away from her!"
"You wish." Firepaw hissed sarcastically, and clawed Snakefoot's face. But the deputy did not back up. Instead, without barely ever flinching, he stepped forward, back arched, fur bristling, claws out, and eyes slit.
"Leave right now." He warned.
"Snakefoot--" Rainstar gasped, blood pouring out of her. She fell again, grunting. Firepaw turned and gave her wound another deep scratch, leaving her to bleed out.
"You would not dare kill a leader." Snakefoot hissed.
"Oh, I would. Especially if it's a leader than believed I killed those kits!" Firepaw yelled.
"But you did, Firepaw. You did." A voice called. Sparkhorn. Her mother. The one who'd accused her own child of murdering kits-- and gotten her exiled. With a growl of outrage, Firepaw leapt at Sparkhorn, and tore her ear. Sprakhorn, not expecting the blow fell to ground in shock. Then Firepaw made the final blow.
"I'll kill you, too." She warned Snakefoot. Snakefoot hissed, stepping back.
"And I'll finish you." Firepaw extended her claws at Rainstar, and finally killer her.
Rainstar couldn't see the rest of the battle. As she ascended to StarClan, the last thing she saw was Firepaw murdering the rest of her family.

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