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NCIS: Ophidian Squad: Typical arguments 1/2 (by Clock-Face) by STani

NCIS: Ophidian Squad: Typical arguments 1/2 (by Clock-Face)


CLICK HERE for the original by mrmech mrmech .

After Oriale and Kiba/Hamato Miwa, here is the third member of the Ophidian Squad, whose name is currently secret, a generic-looking but high-ranked -and big-breasted- Viper working in the Advent administration.

Having the same face and body than the other members of her kind allows her to work with the team without risks of being identified. While mainly the sharpshooter of the team, the Viper is still deadly in close combat, can quickly slither to penetrate enemy lines and use her long tongue to drag foes out of their cover.

The popularity of her species has also left Oriale a bit bitter and the two are frequently at odds regarding petty reasons, with the Viper taking delight in taunting her supposedly superior officer, which usually leaves Kiba and L'Miren trying to stop their feud or annoyingly watching them until they are forced to stop arguing... until the next time.

The story behind this picture is a bit meta and obscure as Orial is pretty much unknown by anyone who isn't French. The joke is simply that, in the series featuring her, she became ruler of the Earth and had access to futuristic technology and a whole army to control the planet... sounds a bit familiar with another species of snake-like creatures working for an alien army living on an occupied alternate blue planet, doesn't it?

As for who is the mentioned "L'Miren"? Well, stay tuned for the next months, hopefully to know more about this 4th member.

art © mrmech mrmech
Orial(e) © Argai: The Prophecy
Viper © X-COM2 © Firaxis

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