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Cryptozoo Residents--Tsuchinoko by SpiderMilkshake

Cryptozoo Residents--Tsuchinoko


Specimens 9, 10, 11, 12, 46, and 47
Sex: Specimen 11 is female, the others are indeterminate.
Species: Tsuchinoko tsuchinoko
Size: Average body length of 14 inches
Weight: ~8 ounces

Some of the earliest collected specimens of the Cryptozoo were those cryptid animals which were thought to be quite low-risk, such as the obscure Japanese creature known as the Tsuchinoko. In Japanese folklore this yokai was always depicted as a squat, short-bodied snake with several unusual qualities. For one, the tsuchinoko had the ability to jump, something that snakes were never thought of being capable of in most cultures. Another quirk was the creature's affinity for alcohol; the bachi-hebi (the name for the creature in Northern Japan) could often be tempted or bribed with sake.

The collected tsuchinoko in the Cryptozoo's herpetarium were found in various rural, mountainous zones in the Tohoku region, and before collection several common behaviors and habits that explain the ancient stories were observed. Tsuchinoko are unique reptiles found thusfar only in Honshu and Hokkaido (though it is possible in the past, before rapid development of and modern pollution in Japan, that they inhabited more islands) and belong to the slow-worm subgroup of lizards. Due to their isolation tsuchinoko are quite extraordinary compared to their European and Asian relatives--tsuchinoko have a set of three grooved fangs with potent venom similar to a monitor lizard. Their hunting strategy appears similar to puff adders: A tsuchinoko buries itself in sand or gravel with just the eyes poking out, waiting for smaller lizards, snakes, and large insects to wander too close. The reptiles appear to be mostly carnivorous, but display an odd preference for fruit. Some have been observed lunging at low-hanging fruits in a similar way to how they capture grasshoppers, and show no qualms in consuming fruit that has hung too long and begun to ferment. Drunken tsuchinoko lie in a stupor underneath fruit trees and become very vocal--issuing a series of grunts, hisses, and squeaks. It is unknown if this species communicates verbally. They have a swift and far lunge, able to leap their own body length by bowing their short, muscular bodies and flinging themselves forward. In response to a threat they curl their bodies around their heads and form a tight coiled ball of scaled muscle, and once tightly wound up they are almost impossible to pry open.

Tsuchinoko are egg-layers--which was discovered by accident in the specimens of the Cryptozoo's herpetarium when a batch of small, sand-colored, leathery eggs were discovered in the area of their terrarium occupied by Specimen 11. It is assumed that this one is a female who laid these eggs. Most of the eggs appeared to be infertile duds or decoys, while two hatched into infant tsuchinoko and were added to the collection.

Due to being venomous, tsuchinoko are one of the only species in the Small Bestiary section of the Cryptozoo which is not allowed to be used in handling sessions. No bites have been recorded as the species appears to only use their venomous fangs to hunt and not for self-defense. Still, the precaution is in effect.

:D Finished another Cryptozoo animal entry! Starting in on a lot of the smaller, "less impressive" creatures the place has captured... they are far more numerous than the big ones. ^w^;

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    Utterly adorable................LOOK AT THOSE EYES! :D