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Cybertronian Anat. 3 (Spark/Circulatory System) by SpiderMilkshake

Cybertronian Anat. 3 (Spark/Circulatory System)


:D In a continuing illustration of my overly-complicated Primeverse headcanons, here's another anatomical diagram using 'Scream as the model. XD It's really because I draw him so much--his torso comes pretty easily to me now!

Marked are only the major energon lines that then branch out in a highly complex pattern to supply chemical and energy resources to various parts of the body--way too complex to draw them all out!

The spark chamber can be a number of different shapes and configurations but is almost always in the exact center of the thoracic section. The outer exoshell of the spark chamber is one of the strongest structures in a Cybertronian's body, but rather than being obviously metallic and hard it is more of a thick, elastic and incredibly tough compound that resists tearing and shearing forces.

The chamber is filled with circulating energon reserves known as Innermost Energon--these reserves surround and fuel the spark energy contained within the chamber, which directs the flow of energon in the Cybertronian's body and also stimulates the distribution of so-called "CNA"--the memory-inscribed particle compounds responsible for hereditary traits, growth, and self-repair in Cybertronian life forms. Spark energy appears to be a physical phenomenon associated mostly with areas of extremely high natural energon concentrations (The Well of Allsparks is an obvious hotspot as a direct route into the core of Cybertron, a planet that seems to be its own self-regenerating source of the life-giving glowy stuff!), but the energy itself is still very poorly understood. A spark seems, with even current Cybertronian technology, to be impossible to contain through artificial means.

Some research has revealed some minor differences in the functions of the spark chamber, indicating different "Spark Types". There are a massive slew of astrology/numerology-like beliefs in Cybertronian subcultures about these "Spark Types"--ascribing certain (learned) talents and (unproven) personality traits to different types. As far as empirical science knows, the "Spark Type" of a bot has no observable effect on the individual's personality or mental state... though some spark types appear to have an effect on the direction of energon flow in the body and the side of the body that receives more energy (influencing the bot's handedness).

XD Colored ink made this so much easier! ^^ There's actually another installation specifically on the Spark Chamber in detail, but that'll be later.

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Visual / Traditional