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SICK - 1 by SNK

SICK - 1


'You are being controversial so you can get attention because you're angry your drawings don't get you any'

Or maybe I just have a fucking OPINION you SJW jackass
I know it's hard to understand from your world but I personally am not a slut for asspats

That someone doesn't like you doesn't mean they're doing some bullshit psyops. Maybe they just don't fucking -like- -you-. I get that it's hard to imagine for you. I get it, trust me.

Next time, keep to your page, and stop trying to tone police strangers, bitches. Don't you have some gender confusion to go sort out on Tumblr?

You just can't get to write your own opinion on your own page nowadays. You got to be bullied by the thoughtpatrol now, improvising themselves as wannabe e-psychs.

I have enough problems getting back to art while fighting off some brain bullshit, thank you.

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    Consider a box of cookies sent. You can toss them at the next person to give you bullshit. Because nobody likes having someone toss their cookies all over them...

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      I once had friends

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        If you've had something once, you can have it again. I like your style... you do good work. Their loss.

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          It's my loss first

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            True. That's what makes losing friends hard. Even harder when it's not just them or you, moving away and losing contact.