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Kacek could hardly believe it. Under that cloak, she was the most dingy, sick-looking animal he ever set his eyes upon. Various wounds old and new were left to fester and this is where the stench of rotten flesh was coming from. How was she still able to stand was to be considered a cosmic mystery. And yet she kicked his ass like it was a morning stretch.

Tomorrow, expressions?

Despite the appearances, Zosha is THE current generational prodigy of fighters. She has better reflexes, faster hands, and a swifter mind than the very best lifelong-trained fighters the world knows. A sort of genius potential; as a reference, it can be mentioned that she never received any sort of regular training. Instead, she trained herself, through trial and error, always on a live, armed, threatening target, and she's still breathing to this day.

Her new companion Kacek quickly recognizes her unique potential, but she hardly seems to acknowledge its existence herself. She never thought of killing as a skill and only seems to care about the practical use of it: survival. Murder was simply her job to her.

In short she's a bit of a badass, kind of like characters such as Tigress from Kung-Fu panda.

When she's not killing dangerous criminals, she enjoys some archery, as a semi-leisure, semi-practical activity.

Then understanding struck him like an arrow. No healer in their right mind would want her money for there would have been little to do with it once they had been lynched by their fellow men for helping one of her hated kind. Despite cleansing the land of the worst curs, despite doing the blood jobs nobody else would want, she got nothing for her troubles. All she could do was clean it with water and hope for the best, while she was still forced to sleep outside in the mud. It was no wonder she got all these ugly scars, he thought.

"How long did you hope to keep up like that, exactly? This is crazy."

She answered nothing. He vaguely remembered hearing that these "monsters" were seen coming back from infections that would kill any healthy man. But this much? It was not... Likely, to say the least.

"I can't believe you're still moving around." He inadvertently put his hand on the backside of her right flank. "I would b-"

The last thing he was conscious of was something hitting the side of his helmet with enough force to shake his brain.

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